Thursday, July 30, 2009

Can I have a chat?

Tell me your email so that I can send my address.
Let's have a chat .

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Hello good evening Br **.

I had faced a big trouble with my employer. They broke our contract and I failed to work 50 hours for the next month, so I' m vigourously looking for other jobs to make up for the money I'm supposed to receive. Fortunately this affects only for the next month.

Thanks for two letters and I will attend the meeting soon after I settled my situation.

Take care, best regards to other brothers!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

The end of system of things

Hi Br Hiro.. thanks for a letter of encouragement.

I live in Fukuoka now. I attend the meeting regularly as I used to.

I haven't seen your brother and his wife.

I'm a contract worker and my employer attempts to ignore our contract. I feel very ashamed of their behaviour because it violates law. The problem haven't resolved so I'm uneasy right now.

I went to the meeting with my wife on last Sunday. This is the only good news for you to share.

It was new to me what the festival of booth is.

Sincerely yours,


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Who is he?

Hello good evening Br C**,

For about five days I had to face a work condition trouble at my workplace. It was not at all totally a good experience but now it was already resolved so now I'm ok.

Japan is as if it were a small village that doesn't know what an international standard is. Or even it doesn't know what a standard is.

Anyway aside from that, back to our topics.

Why you call Him a father when you pray while you are not a son of God. Isn't Jesus an only son of Jehovah?

You say Jesus is impeccable, perfect, he is special, he exists before Adam was made and Jehovah made a world with his only son Jesus - Jesus was Michael one of mighty angels before his birth on earth.

Ok, suppose that is true, Isn't Jesus a descendant of Abraham, thus that of Adam as it described in Gospels? And as it promised by God that the Saviour must be from the lineage from Abraham?

As we studied 144000 must be resurrected not on the earth but in heaven. But those slave class were not in heaven before their birth as Jesus was.

As to today's topic -preaching work.

In today's world Christianity is prevailed every for corners of the world. It is just the most powerful religion in the world and history. Then why do you need to 'preach' while this teachings were already preached throughout the world? This is one of my biggest questions. Of course here is neither America nor Europe. I admit Japanese people as well as some other Asians are not familiar with good news though.

As for me how I encountered Bible is that I started reading Bible five years ago because I noticed how knowledge of Bible is common among Americans and Europeans while I started emailing with them.

Sincerely yours,


Thursday, July 09, 2009

Nice encounter!

Hello good evening Miss Alix,

It was really nice coincidental encounter for both of us. I am really grateful to you since you were very friendly ..thank you very much for your sharing about half an hour with me.

Fukuoka is undoubtedly one of the nicest cities not only in Japan but around the world. And second cleanest cities next to Sendai, northern part of Japan.

Tokyo and Osaka is much much bigger than Fukuoka and Kyoto has much more worthy to see many temples, so I hope you find lots more in these cities.

Next time when I had chances to visit Brussels I never fail to visit Manikin piss thou I don't do so in public presence.

Nice to meet you and see you again and

Keep in touch! I'd like to hear from you soon,

Sincerely yours,

Your friend,

Eiko Onoda

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Christmas & birthday celebration

Hello good evening Br Carlos,

I quickly browse your letter which contains lots of information obviously I need to survey more.

I think you are right. Birthday celebration is pagan origin, but there's one more big description of birthday celebration in Bible you seemed to deliberately ignored. Why you need to ignore? Because is it an inconvenient fact?

The birth of Jesus, which was celebrated by three Magi from the East, probably Zoroaster priests. Although some say they brought three gifts and not sure how many people though, it is certain they were Magi.

I admit they were neither Jews nor Christians, but the birth of Jesus was celebrated by Magi. We don't care who they were at this point. This story was mentioned in Bible. It is not against the Bible to celebrate someone's birthday.

Three Magi were wise enough to tell a wrong direction to Herod. Therefore Jesus was able to get away from the hands of Herod.

How do you interpret this episode? This occupies a very important role in the beginning of Christianity itself.

I respect your way not to celebrate birthday. Many people celebrate birthday of close friends and family. It's a custom, but also it's up to our freedom or choice to or not to do it regardless of whether we are **or not. What I just want to insist is birthday celebration is not against Bible.

Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the biggest festival in Christianity.
If Christmas were against the Bible, Bible couldn't have mentioned the three Magi episode.

By the way I intend to come to attend the Sunday discourse. Because you are so responsible to my questions. I need to reply in simply attending your shining stage. This is not from a feeling of obligation, but I am just willing to do it. I'm off on next Sunday. I'll do my best to attend it with my best partner of my life, I mean my wife. Please expect, she is very pretty.

I haven't read your reply on resurrection. I'll write to you as soon as I read it.

Do you say Magi celebrate the birth of Jesus, not the birthday of Jesus?

Sincerely yours,


hi Eiko....

how r u today.. sorry, i've been quite bz lately.. will cath up with u soon.... btw, thnx 4 the ring gift..

Private detective

Hi, Jeanett

I hired a private detective to know your birthday. The name of detetive is Tagged.
Anyway happy birthday! I live in Fukuoka.

Best regards,

In reply to Ohayo Gozaimasu!!!!

Hi!!!Eiko,thanks for my birthday cake.How you know it?where are you staying here in Japan?

Monday, July 06, 2009

Hello good afternoon

Hello Miss Ai..

Thanks for beautiful tags. I appreciate your concerns.
It's not so easy to exchange our ideas here.

My yahoo address is
Let's have a chat there. I've got many matters that I didn't reveal in public.

Hear from you soon,

Sincerely yours,


On divorce hearing

Hi, Miss Angel..

Thanks for beautiful Tags, it was so encouraging..

I am totally exhausted right now, since we had a divorce hearing at local domestic court yesterday.

The conclusion was divorce is almost impossible. It is impossible unless she agrees.

I think I need to give up and I'll try to find another way to find happiness.

Take care till next chatting!

Sincerely yours,
