Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Christmas & birthday celebration

Hello good evening Br Carlos,

I quickly browse your letter which contains lots of information obviously I need to survey more.

I think you are right. Birthday celebration is pagan origin, but there's one more big description of birthday celebration in Bible you seemed to deliberately ignored. Why you need to ignore? Because is it an inconvenient fact?

The birth of Jesus, which was celebrated by three Magi from the East, probably Zoroaster priests. Although some say they brought three gifts and not sure how many people though, it is certain they were Magi.

I admit they were neither Jews nor Christians, but the birth of Jesus was celebrated by Magi. We don't care who they were at this point. This story was mentioned in Bible. It is not against the Bible to celebrate someone's birthday.

Three Magi were wise enough to tell a wrong direction to Herod. Therefore Jesus was able to get away from the hands of Herod.

How do you interpret this episode? This occupies a very important role in the beginning of Christianity itself.

I respect your way not to celebrate birthday. Many people celebrate birthday of close friends and family. It's a custom, but also it's up to our freedom or choice to or not to do it regardless of whether we are **or not. What I just want to insist is birthday celebration is not against Bible.

Christmas is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the biggest festival in Christianity.
If Christmas were against the Bible, Bible couldn't have mentioned the three Magi episode.

By the way I intend to come to attend the Sunday discourse. Because you are so responsible to my questions. I need to reply in simply attending your shining stage. This is not from a feeling of obligation, but I am just willing to do it. I'm off on next Sunday. I'll do my best to attend it with my best partner of my life, I mean my wife. Please expect, she is very pretty.

I haven't read your reply on resurrection. I'll write to you as soon as I read it.

Do you say Magi celebrate the birth of Jesus, not the birthday of Jesus?

Sincerely yours,



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